
There’s this NEW SQUARE opened last year in Tamsui. My family and I go there shopping, having dinners, and go to KILEDO WORLD a lot. It’s a nice place to hang out in weekend afternoons. It’s definitely recommended for families.


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丁男友買了一張line酷券,是Mister Donut聖誕餐券,111元可以購買145元的甜甜圈,丁哥姐姐和男友下班就跑到Mister Donut買了甜甜圈當點心和隔天早餐。

Mr.Ding purchased Mister Donut’s coupon from LINE app the other day. The coupon was TWD 111 but it enabled us to purchase products that were worth TWD 145 at Mister Donut. What a great deal! Mr. Ding and I went to Mister Donut and used the coupon after work. We purchased 4 donuts in total for desserts and the breakfast for the coming day.


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I walked past KT Bakery a lot with Mr. Ding, but I’ve never bought anything there. As curious as Dingo, Mr. Ding and I decided to give it a try one day.


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Today, we’ll introduce Amo. It’s famous for its cake. Mr. Ding is a big fan of Amo’s cake. He purchases it once every month as a souvenir for his family. His family loves the cake, too!


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丁男友跑去三重E7 play玩保齡球,打完後又跑去中山區的魚港生猛海鮮吃晚餐,拍了好多照片給丁哥姐姐,丁哥姐姐看了好心動也想跟大家分享他出遊的行程,提供一個半日遊的好去處。

Mr. Ding went to E7 play at Sanchong Store the other day. After that, he had dinner at this stir-fries restaurant in Minquan W. Rd. He took some pictures on that day so we felt like sharing the half-day tour with you.


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第二話 EP2



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The beef noodle restaurant we had this time is near MRT Xingtian Temple Station. The information is as follows: 


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I came across this news about a Japanese drama, “Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!” became a big hit these days. It caught my eyes at first because of the title. I didn’t know what it means until I googled it and found out that the sentence was originated from this Japanese comic book saying that if you’re still a virgin when you reach 30, then you’ll become a wizard. The older you are, the more powerful you will become. (Something like that) 


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