There’s this NEW SQUARE opened last year in Tamsui. My family and I go there shopping, having dinners, and go to KILEDO WORLD a lot. It’s a nice place to hang out in weekend afternoons. It’s definitely recommended for families.
美麗新廣場 淡海館 MIRANEW SQUARE Danhai
地址:新北市淡水區義山路二段301號 No. 301, Section 2, Yishan Road, Tamsui DistrictNew Taipei City, 251
營業時間Operation Time:每天11:00到21:30 Mon. to Sun. 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
I brought my family to the NEW SQUARE the other day for KILEDO WORLD and dinner. There’s this snowman for Christmas decoration at the entrance. There’s also a cinema here. We watched Toy Story 4 at the cinema last year. It was a nice theater.
There’re two buildings at NEW SQUARE: Household Items Hall and Entertainment Hall.
The first floor of the Household Items Hall is for boutiques and the second floor is for dining. In the Entertainment Hall, there’re kid’s playgrounds, toy stores, and trampoline park, etc,. And of course, the theater is in this building. There’re lots of entertainments to do here.
詳細的店家名稱可以看官網 For further details, please refer to NEW SQUARE’s official website:http://www.miranewsquare.com/Brand/brandAll?dian_id=2
We stayed in the KILEDO WORLD most of the time this afternoon. We had so much fun here. You can collect lottery tickets here. The more lottery tickets you’ve had, the better present you can get. Just like that in Tom’s World.
You can exchange tokens at the counter. We suggest you get a membership card so you can top up with the card instead of caring for lots of tokens. Moreover, you can collect the lottery tickets in the membership card as well. It’ll save you the time counting the tickets with this membership card.
Originally, our goal was the machines. However, the goal changed as soon as we saw the claw machine. I wanted the Chip 'n' Dale dolls so bad, but we just didn’t have enough skills to get it.
This machine looked like a Buzz Lightyear spaceship. After inserting 6 tokens, there were hundreds of balls falling down. We needed to pick up the balls and throw them back to the machine as soon as we could to earn more lottery tickets. My niece and I played this together. I think she was frightened by so many balls falling from the sky. She asked to leave the machine after the game started for 5 seconds. I had to finish all this on my own. Not as what I’ve expected, but, I had fun anyway.
My dad loves racing and there he was, playing racing cars on his own. I think he watches Initial D comic books too much.
There was this bowling ball machine. We played 5 rounds by inserting only 4 tokens. We enjoyed it. Even Mr. Ding who can’t play bowling balls at all performed well in this game. He found a sense of achievement in this machine instead of in a real-life bowling ball competition LOL
This was where we spent most of the time and tokens. After inserting one/two coins (depends on the level you choose), there would be a ball falling. The number of the hole that the ball ended up dropped into would be the number of lottery tickets you’ve won. My family LOVED this machine so bad.
I got Jackpot once, and it felt awesome! I was impressed by myself LOL I’ve got 50 lottery tickets thanks to the Jackpot. It’s a nice way to collect lottery tickets. It only takes one token for one shot.
This game required us to throw balls at the targets on the screen. If you perform well, you get to play 4 rounds in total. After playing the game, it felt like we’ve just finished a big fight LOL We were definitely fully exercised thanks to the game.
There were still lots of games to explore. They all seem interesting. We recommend you to try them all!
There’re several toy stores near KILEDO WORLD. I never get bored with toy stores window-shopping. I plan to bring my niece here for presents on her birthday. On our way to the washroom, we discovered this big surprise.
The Entertainment Hall is a family-friendly place and so are the washrooms. We saw lots of cute animals on the wall of the family washrooms, like deer, dinosaur, koala, etc. They’re all so adorable that Mr. Ding didn’t want to leave the room.
Afterwards, we went to the 2nd floor of Household Items Hall, Sukiyaki restaurant, for dinner. You can see the sign of the restaurant on the 1st floor. We’ve been thinking about it for so long. We can’t wait to dig in.
Take the elevator to the 2nd floor, turn left, and go straight. Almost there!
Here we are, at the restaurant. Looks very cozy from the outside.
We‘ll provide reviews of the restaurant in another article. The sukiyaki was very delicious, and the price was reasonable. We’ll definitely come back again.
To sum up, we liked the schedule of the day. We went out at 3 p.m., having fun and eating. Why we loved this shopping mall is that it’s not as crowded as the ones in downtown Taipei. It’ll be very suitable for families.
丁哥打機台 Here’s a photo of Dingo playing games.