
丁男友買了一張line酷券,是Mister Donut聖誕餐券,111元可以購買145元的甜甜圈,丁哥姐姐和男友下班就跑到Mister Donut買了甜甜圈當點心和隔天早餐。

Mr.Ding purchased Mister Donut’s coupon from LINE app the other day. The coupon was TWD 111 but it enabled us to purchase products that were worth TWD 145 at Mister Donut. What a great deal! Mr. Ding and I went to Mister Donut and used the coupon after work. We purchased 4 donuts in total for desserts and the breakfast for the coming day.



Besides the regular chewy donuts, Mister Donut also provides Christmas limited version: Santa and Christmas Reindeer. The package is Sumikko Gurashi-decorated. If you like Sumikko Gurashi, you’ll love the bags as shown below. I personally don’t feel much for these “Corner Animals”, but Mr. Ding was so happy receiving it that he jumped up and down on the street.




Inside the box were the donuts. They looked super Christmas-like. The reindeer and the Santa all look very tasty. In addition, we also purchased cocoa marshmallow and strawberry marshmallow ones.




We didn’t eat them right away, instead, we put them into the fridge, and we heated them in oven (around 100 degrees) the next morning. The temperature was hot enough to soften the marshmallow a little bit without affecting its texture. The outlooks of the donuts remained the same after heating.



耶誕老公公  Santa Claus Flavor


The red hat was the apple sauce flavor which was a little bit sweet. The donut is coated with white chocolate, and there was a custard in the middle. The donut itself wasn’t sweet and it went well with the custard. With a small touch of the sweetness from white chocolate, the Santa did make our Christmas wonderful.

耶誕麋鹿  Christmas Reindeer


The donut was coated with milk tea-flavored sauce. It was really special with donut since we’ve never had a donut with the milk tea flavor before. The antler was decorated by pretzel. It didn’t add too many credits for the taste but for the appearance. They were adorable.

耶誕棉花糖  Christmas Marshmallow


After heating up the donut, the marshmallows on it were almost melting. We liked it a lot. But, since there were lots of marshmallows, the donut itself was a little bit too sweet for me. However, my niece enjoyed it a lot. Here’re two pictures of her digging in the donut:



總得來說,Mister Donut甜甜圈的造型真的越來越厲害,甜甜圈真的超級可愛。這次聖誕系列的聖誕系列裡,我們評價最高的是耶誕老爺爺,不僅造型真的精緻,口味上也甜的恰到好處,大推喔!

Overall, the outlook of the donuts from Mister Donut was amazing! The donuts all looked super cute. Among the Christmas limited flavors, our favorite is the Santa Claus. It not only looked exquisite but also tasted great for a breakfast. We highly recommend this flavor.


Here’s a picture of Dingo donut LOL



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