丁哥姐姐帶全家人去美麗新廣場時,總是會路過這家披薩吃到飽店,覬覦好久了終於來吃了哈哈。My grandma visited us in Tamsui holiday so we felt like trying something special together.
義米蘭淡水店 VimiLan Tamsui
地址 Address:新北市淡水區義山路二段303號2樓 No. 303, Section 2, Yishan Road, Tamsui District 2F
到美麗新廣場二樓很容易就看到囉! It's pretty easy to find at the 2F floor.
餐廳裝設很漂亮,用餐環境也很明亮舒服,可以來舒適的飽餐一頓。The decoration is beautiful and the dining area is bright and comfortable.
這是價格,今天是假日,所以最便宜一人339+10%服務費。The price is as follows. During holidays, it costs 339+10% or above.
這是菜單總覽。Here's the whole menu.
How it works is like this: You order a main dish, and then you can have all the side dishes as many as you can. You can choose spaghetti or risotto as main dish which is cheaper. You can also have steak for the main dish, which is more expensive. After ordering the main dish, staffs will bring all kinds of pizza flavors to your table and ask if you'd like to have a few pieces. They also have fried chicken, French fries, etc,. For self-served areas, there're soda, coffee, soup, ice cream, and salad.
這是所有披薩的口味,總共有十五種很夠吃了,服務生每隔一陣子就會帶著某個口味來詢問客人需不需要,想吃就大方跟他們說要幾片即可。Here're the flavors of pizza. In total there're 15 kinds. It's really hard for us to try them all. At the end, we can only select a few.
桌上的擺設。服務生會將餐點放在前面的料理紙上,客人再自取。The whole dining area looks neat.
我們一到服務生就先上了有著泰式醬口味的披薩,很特殊,口感上偏酸甜,但有點不適合披薩。Thai flavor pizza. It's... special. We won't say Thai flavor is suitable for pizza though LOL
飲料 Drinks
去取一點飲料來喝,種類超多。There're a lot of kinds of beverages.
右邊的沙瓦是酸酸甜甜的汽水,喝了很清爽。Sider on the right hand side. It tastes sweet yet sour at the same time.
湯品 Soup
湯品有玉米濃湯和牛筋湯兩種。Corn Soup and Beef Soup
玉米濃湯常見,牛筋湯少見,所以我們重點放在牛筋湯,也沒讓我們失望,這牛筋爆炸多。Corn soup is normally. However, beef tendon soup is really rare. We had so much! It tastes so gooooood!
玉米濃湯有一粒粒顆粒,應該是小小馬鈴薯,口感不錯。牛肉湯比較清淡,適合在吃完炸雞和披薩喝,還可以乘整碗滿滿牛筋。My niece likes the corn soup. It also has potato in it. The beef soup on the other hand is not as rich as corn soup. It's goes well with fried chicken and pizza.
沙拉 Salad
沙拉會擺成一碗碗自取。丁男友吃了三分,補充蔬菜。The salad is put in the bowls. Mr. Ding had three. That's a lot of vege LOL
主餐 Main Dish
丁哥姊姊點了牛肝菌飯,香菇味很香,調味不會重口味,很好吃,份量也少少的不會太影響待會吃披薩和炸物的食慾。I had mashroom risotto. The flavor is good, not too rich. The portain is just enough for me to taste the flavor without feeling too full.
服務生會來問要不要薯條、薯餅。大方點下去就對了。French Fries. Everyone likes it LOL
過一下來了雞腿,雞腿顏色看起來很油亮,頗好吃。Fried Chicken. The outlook's amazing.
第一口吃了很驚艷,外皮非常酥脆,肉非常嫩且多汁,雞肉本身醃過了,不用額外調味已經很好吃了。丁哥姐姐吃了四隻雞腿,唯一小小缺點是吃了有點鹹哈哈。旁邊還有一點甜不辣,吃起來很像魚酥。It's crunchy and super juicy. The chicken itself is marinated. You don't need to add additional pepper. It's delicious as it is. I had four in total. At the end, I find it a little bit salty. Fried tempura is also available here.
炸物後來還有上一些小的炸雞塊和韓式炸雞,但都吃太撐了就沒好好品嘗。Besides fried chicken, they also have Korean fried chicken. We didn't get to taste it because we had too much at the beginning.
披薩 Pizza
All kinds of pizza flavors. Feel free to try them all. The crust is thin so it's easy to have many pieces. There're some flavors that don't appear in the menu. We get surprised when the staff provides it to our table.
甜點 Desserts
甜披薩 Sweet pizza:蘋果肉桂、紅豆、焦糖瑪奇朵。蘋果肉桂的肉桂很香。紅豆的評價很好,大家都讚不絕口。焦糖瑪奇朵奶油吃到有點怕。Apple cinnamon, red bean, caramel macchiato. The smell of apple cinnamon is great. For the red bean, we all love it. For the caramel macchiato, we don't like the cream on top. It's just too much for us.
自助吧還有冰淇淋可以自取。All you can eat ice cream.
這臺泰奶冰淇淋大家好像都不太愛,盛了都只吃個一兩口,不太對味。Thai milk ice cream. It tastes nothing like Thai milk for us. We are not a big fan of this.
總結 Overall Reflection
We had a great time dining here. Since I'm a huge fan of fried chicken, I enjoyed digging in the fried chicken here. Mr. Ding on the other hand had a wonderful time tasting each pizza.
The price is in reasonable range. It's a nice place for families.
想看更多美麗新廣場的介紹可以看我們其他文章喔! If you'd like to know more about New Square, please refer to the articles below:
1. 淡水美麗新廣場壽喜燒推薦-壽喜燒一丁 Sukiyaki
2. 淡水休閒推薦-淡水美麗新廣場走-奇樂多遊樂園 Kiledo Playground
最後久違的附上一隻丁哥,丁哥不能吃只能在家生悶氣 Here's a picture of Dingo staying at home all by himself. He felt angry not being able to join us at lunch LOL