We received this brithday coupon, 25% off, for Wang Steak, and we can collect points using the Wang app, so Mr. Ding and I decide to have a Wang Steak House date. We'll introduce this app at the end of the article.
陶板屋北投光明店 Wang Steak House, Beitou (Japanese Style)
地址 Address: 台北市北投區光明路217號2F No. 217-2, Guangming Road, Beitou District Taipei City, 112
到一樓店前面便擺著菜單和名片。Upon arriving, you will see a menu at the first floor.
The inner decoration is very modern and pretty. The whole environment is very comfortable.
我們坐在角落的兩人桌。We sit at the corner with a table for two.
There's a variety of choices. We want to try all of them, but sadly, we can only choose two kinds this time. The staffs will ask you the discount you'd like to use before taking your order. We have birthday coupon and app collecting points today. If you'd like to know more about the discounts details, you can definitely check with the staffs. They will explain it to you with patience.
沙拉分別點了番茄海鮮沙拉盅與焗牛肉鮮蔬溫沙拉。Salad: Tomato Seafood & Beef Vegetable
The vinegar sauce brings out the taste of tomato. The seafood is blended with a little bit of wasabi, spicy but very tasty and refreshing.
焗牛肉鮮蔬沙拉,焗牛肉不會膩,再加上沙拉很適合用來開胃。Beef vegetable. The cheese on top tastes great and not greasy. It goes well with the salad.
前菜:醬燒杏鮑菇與干貝海鮮茶碗蒸。Front Dish: Fried Pleurotus eryngii & Scallops Chawanmushi
湯 Soup:百合牛肉湯與黑松露佐蕈菇濃湯。牛肉湯比較清淡,淡淡牛肉味很爽口。Beef and mashroom. The beef soup is light. It doesn't have the richness of the mashroom soup. Depends on what kind of soup you'd prefer.
蕈菇濃湯適合喜歡奶味比較重的朋友,調味上比較不鹹,菇的香氣很明顯,也很好喝。Mashroom soup is suitable for those who like creamy flavor. The smell of mashroom is very strong. I like this one.
主菜 Main Dish:美國紐約客牛肉與香蒜瓦片牛肉。肉都是很嫩的肉,品質非常好,份量也很夠。但丁男友到是一直在誇配菜的地瓜很甜很好吃哈哈。We order Strip Steak and garlic steak. The meat is tender for both. The portain is enough, too. Mr.Ding keeps saying how much he likes the sweet potato that goes with the steak. I think he's missing the point here LOL
主餐後的和食 Rice:鮭魚茶泡飯以及炸飯糰。丁哥姐姐本身很愛茶泡飯,但吃完炸飯糰也想自己回家挑戰一下哈哈。Salmon with Rice in Soup and deep-fried rice. I love rice in roup. After tasting deep-fried rice, I like it, too. I decide to make it myself after returning home.
甜點 Dessert:冷月紫米以及蔓越莓優格起司蛋糕。冷月紫米這個名字很有意境,也很像藝術品,熱熱的紫米很適合冬天,再加上涼涼甜甜的芋頭,雖然一冷一熱但卻搭配得很好。Purple rice porridge and cranberry yogurt cheese cake. The purple rice porridge has this taro ice cream in the middle. The plating looks pretty, just like an art work. The warmness goes well with the coldness of the ice cream. We give very high credits to this dessert.
蔓越莓優格起司蛋糕微微酸,前端淋上一點點百香果醬很搭。The cheese cake is a little bit sour. It has this passion fruit sauce as well. We like the sauce a lot.
飲料Drinks:日式玄米鹹奶茶與焦糖醇香奶茶。Salty milk tea and caramel milk tea
所有餐點結束後,因為是生日,服務員會送上小蛋糕和幫忙拍一張照片和洗出來,王品集團真的是很貼心。After we finish everything, the staff gives us an extra birthday cake and he also takes a picture of us, and then gives it to us as a present.
Overall reflection: Every dish has every good quality. Though it's not like you'll be amazed but the dish itself tastes good and the staffs are providing excellent service as well. We will still go to Wang Steak's restaurant for birthday celebration next time.
If you'd like to have discounts or if you'd like to make a reservation online, you may try this Wang Steak App. We've got a 25 % off discount for birthday this time. If it's your first time using the app, it'll give you another discount as well.
The app also provides reservation service. It's so nice that we don't have to call in person anymore LOL If you won't be able to go, you can cancel the reservation with the app as well. Besides, you can note down here if there's any special request for your visit to the restaurant.
The app requires you to put in your credit card information so in the future you get to pay with the app directly. With the credit card payment, you get to collect points for every expenses you make at Wang's Steak and next time you may ust the points as actually coins to pay for your next visit. This is great!!
以後大家如果有常光顧王品旗下的品牌,真的要去載一下app,長期累積也是很可觀的一筆。We highly recommend you using the app. The more you visit Wang's Steak, the more points you will collect.
這個周末發現Dingo瘋繩子哈哈,每次都玩到起孝。Here's a picture of Dingo going crazy because of a string from Mr. Ding's pant. I guess he's more into the string than the app LOL