I feel like baking this weekend and it comes to me that there's this simple home-made dessert : Egg Tarts. I only have this big baking tart pan in my house so I may as well just bake a huge egg tart. It tastes the same anyway LOL
材料 Ingredients:
Tart Pan(Depends on how big you want), puff pastry *3 pieces, milk (120 gram), egg*2, sugar(40 gram. If you like to eat sweet, feel free to add more.), cream(120 gram).
步驟一 Step one:
將牛奶,鮮奶油,砂糖倒入碗中攪拌均勻。Put the milk, cream, and suger together and blend them well.
步驟二 Step two:
將酥皮沿著容器鋪成碗裝,並將拼接的縫壓實。將步驟一的內餡倒入。Put the puff pastry around the tart pan and push it hard so it stick on the tart pan. Then, pour in the blender from Step one.
步驟三 Step three:
放入烤箱,在下層以250度烤45分鐘,直到表面微焦且以筷子插入不會黏筷子,即完成。Put it in the baker, and bake for 45 minutes(250 degree). You'll know it's done when you see the brown color on the surface and when you stick a chopstick in it, nothing will stick on the surface when you pull it out.
十分鐘,看起來變化不大。It is how it looks after baking for 10 minutes. Nothing happened really LOL
二十分鐘,上層酥皮開始熟了。20 minutes later. You can tell the puff pastry is becoming crispy.
三十分鐘,看來表面已經熟了。30 mintues later. The surface is becoming brown.
四十五分鐘,大功告成了喔!45 minutes later. It's completed.
It tastes like pudding. It smells good and tastes nice without being too sweet. I like the crisp and the softness' combination. The fillings is softer when it's hot. When it becomes cold, the fillings becomes harder. It's delicious in both ways.
最後附上一張Dingo照片Here's a picture of Dingo:布與Dingo,就是"布丁"狗。