『2021.01.17 更新』
We visited PX Mart again the other day. Last time, we enjoyed the Japanese cookies so much. We wanted to try different flavors so we purchased another.
綜合口味餅乾 109元 All kinds of flavor cookies TWD 109
裡面有六種口味,都是甜餅乾,裡面有十幾個,不算貴。There're six flavors in one package. They're all sweet. It's not too expensive considering the number of cookies we have in a package.
The fillings are chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and lemon mixed with butter. The cookies itself is crunchy.
草莓夾心 Strawberry
吃起來滿滿的草莓奶油香,對草莓製品熱愛的朋友會很愛。If you like strawberry, you will live this. It has the strong flavor of strawberry and butter.
香草奶油夾心 vanilla
It tastes more like the original cookies flavor. It's sweet with a little scent of butter.
巧克力奶油夾心 Chocolate
It has this strong taste of chocolate but not too sweet. You can eat a lot of it.
香草奶油夾心(+巧克力餅乾) Chocolate with vanilla butter
One word for this: Oreo😂
檸檬奶油夾心 Lemon butter
The smell of lemon is refreshing and light.
巧克力夾心(+巧克力餅乾) chocolate with butter
丁哥姐姐最愛的一款(可能我很愛巧克力),巧克力奶油本身不會太甜,再加上味道淡淡的巧克力餅乾,吃的開心。This is my personal favourite. I'm a chocolate person. Chocolate butter is in reasonable sweet. The smell of butter gives it an extra point.
All in all, though the flavors are different, they tasted very similar to me 😅 Mr. Ding on the other hand, is a dessert person, so he had a great time tasting all the flavors with a cup of coffee in hand. I can't deal with so much sweet at once 😂 I'll probably need to purschase savory flavor next time Lol
Here's the link for more cookies aiticles
Here's a picture of Dingo buttrt🍪