丁哥姐姐自認為淡水英專路通,這次卻意外的發覺一家未曾吃過缺好好吃的甜甜圈-三寶甜甜圈。Born and raised in Tamshui, I considered myself to be a professional Tamshui food and tour guide. However, this donut food truck really took me by surprise. Firstly, I wasn’t aware of its existence. Secondly, the donut was so delicious that I regretted haven’t met it earlier.
三寶甜甜圈 San-Bao Donuts
地址Address:新北市淡水區英專路商圈的仁愛街與博愛街轉角附近 It’s in YingZhuan Road shopping area. Ren-ai street and Bo-ai street intersection .
丁哥姐姐和丁男友偶然發現這樣一個小小的餐車,擺著各種口味的甜甜圈。Mr. Ding and I came across this dessert food truck with various flavors of donuts.
We've got a couple of them. They were so good!! We came back the next day and purchased again.
Mr. Ding wanted to have them all LOL
We purchased all the flavors this time. There were eight of them and they cost 200 TWD. 
You can even use Taiwan Pay here.
還可以預訂喔! You may call them and order in advance to save some time.
We took a bite right after we got it. We just couldn't wait 😋
Chocolate flavor smelt awesome. The docut tasted like croissant. It was full of layers and chewy. We LOVE it😍😍😍
Here're other flavors:
原味 Original
It was coated with sugar on the surface. It had the great smell of flour.
奶酥 Butter
We were not sure how was it different from the original one. But it was delicious.
草莓 Strawberry
It added strawberry jam in there. It tased like strawberry bread.
巧克力 Chocolate
巧克力醬的味道很香,跟甜甜圈搭配,很適合喔!The chocolate sauce smelt good. Chocolate and donuts are good friends indeed.
起司 Cheese
帶有一點點起司的鹹味和香氣,像我爸爸稍稍愛吃鹹的人就主動要這款。It was a little bit salty. Dingo's dad loved it! He's not really a dessert person but he liked this one.
黑糖 Brown Sugar
一拿起來黑糖香氣就進入鼻子了,口感上比原味更甜,螞蟻人要點這款。The smell of the brown sugar was very strong. It was sweeter than the original one.
We will definitely purchase the donuts again. It was really a nice surprise to discover this donut food truck. I seldom ask for donuts but this time is different.
附上我們家的雙寶Here’s a picture of Dingo Donuts: